Summary of my teacher #1
In my C4T assignment, I was assigned to a teacher named Amanda Ooten, and her blog title is called Science Teaching for the Future. In her most recent blog she is describing the progress of how her flipped classroom project is going. The flipped classroom method is where students do homework in class and watch the lectures at home. Mrs. Ooten says that the progress is fantastic and recommends that teachers try it out. Also in her blog she is asking for advice on how to receive grants, because her main focus now is trying to get to a 1.1 ratio. Which means that for every one student in the class she wants to have on Google chrome book. She also states that she is now teaching AP biology and is working on a lesson plan that will apply for advanced classes as well as regular classes. Finally in her blog post she describes why her YouTube videos were taken off of YouTube. She explains that her videos were taken off because she used Pearson products in her video, and Pearson made her take them down. So she warns all flippers out there to not use textbook images :).
Summary of my comment #1
I commented on Mrs. Ooten's blog pretty much saying that I enjoyed learning the whole concept behind the "flipping of the classroom". I also touched on the fact that the reason I think other educators should use the "flipping" strategy because of the percent of students who have started passing. After the "flipping" strategy was put in place a higher percent of students started passing classes and ultimately graduating. Finally I just said how I wish that she would post more because her last post was written on February 22, 2012.
Summary of my teacher #2
Unfortunately Mrs. Ooten has not had time to publish a new post, so I had to go to her previous one. In this blog post Mrs. Ooten talks about what is going on in her flipped classroom. She explains that when she first started her flipped classroom that she decided to flip it 100%. She then explains about how that was to much work for the students to comprehend. That even though the students should learn on their own, they still need to have some stuff taught to them. After she changed her plan to only flip her class 50% of the way she saw a major improvement, not only in learning but in study habits as well. She explains how more students would stay after class or come in early for more one on one lessons. She even found out that her students were joining together on the weekends for group study sessions. She finished by saying that this strategy works for her, because she wants to do this. However, it might not work for other teachers as well as the methods they are already using. Mrs. Ooten all-in-all just wants kids to understand that it is their class not hers.
Summary of my comment #2
In my comment I told Mrs. Ooten that i really liked that fact that she saw her own mistakes, and instead of blaming the kids she changed to help them. I also told her that I liked the fact that she understood that just because flipping a classroom works for her doesn't mean that it will work for everyone. Then I stated that most people today are looking for a one correct answer, while in fact there are many of answers, you just have to choose the one that works for you.
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